While reading chapter 13, a lot more useful information about outlining was brought forward, building off the content from chapter 11. To begin, reading about the utility of working and speaking outlines was a useful distinction to learn about. More specifically, working outlines being used to establish a framework for a speech, while speaking outlines –as the name suggests– being suited for presenting speech and tending to be more concise. Along with this, probably the most helpful thing in this chapter for me was about key-word outline. I liked the sort of cost-benefit-analysis the chapter gave detailing how advantageous key-word outlines could be. Specifically, how they can optimize eye-contact and allow for more natural flow of speech. This is something I am definitely going to start using as an outlining technique. As of now, I think I still rely too much on outlines as a script, rather than using them to make one or two-word reference points.